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Farming in protected landscapes ( FIPL)

Newton Farm habitat creation using cattle equiped with Nofence cattle collars.

Newton Farm habitat creation using cattle equipped with 3 Nofence cattle collars. 

3 Nofence cattle collars will enable controlled grazing around the Newton Farm and enable the Farm to show case this emerging technology as a method of habitat creation. In the case of Newton Farm, it is less expensive than new fencing, less visually intrusive than fencing and does not have the environmental impact of redundant wire and tanalised timber use.

Nofence cattle collars enable nuanced grazing patterns to be developed such as strip grazing, grazing that protects newly planted trees will at the same time allows woodland and orchard grazing.


Signage will explain and elucidate to the public how Newton Farm will show case conservation grazing to increase biodiversity of flora and fauna, sequestrate carbon and reduce flooding downstream by improving in soil.

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